Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Counselors have fun too!

I am having so much fun this week getting to know all of you! What a great group you are! I think you would all make good librarians - and you've already learned that there are tons of different jobs librarians do!

I am interested in what you are all reading right now - if you click on comment below, you can answer this post and tell me. I'm always looking for new books that I would enjoy reading!

Miss Deanna

P.S. I printed this post in my favorite color!


IMC Yellow Team said...

I am currently reading "Heaven Cent" in the Xanth series. The first book in this series is "A Spell for Chameleon."


IMC Red Team said...

I have different series that I am reading at this moment...the are all mystery and fantasy with a lot of magic:
1. Keys to the Kingdom
2. Children of the Red King (Charlie Bone Series)
3. The Lightning Theif has two books after it that I am aware of
There are a lot of other books to, and I will try to get a hold of them.
